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Wet Brush Pro Review

As someone who has just recently started to dye their hair, keeping it smooth, soft and free from breakage has become a bit of an obsession. Before discovering this amazing (and cheap) little brush, I would be baffled at how much hair I was losing after going through my morning hair routine. My lap would be covered in not only full length hairs that had been ripped out of my head by my Goody brand brush from Walmart, but it would be covered in tiny little pieces of hair that had been broken off by the brush. All of this breakage was making my hair look terrible, and I was constantly turning to hairspray to keep all of the little broken hairs flat.

But then I tried the Wet Brush Pro!

Not only is this brush fantastic for wet hair, (obviously) because it allows you to detangle with ease after a shower, but it also prevents SO much breakage in dry hair. There is usually zero breakage found on my lap after brushing my hair when using this brush, and the over all feeling of my hair has changed drastically, so much so that I can now go a long time between hair cuts.

The brush itself is really lightweight and comes in a ton of different colours and finishes including metallics and prints. The bristles are thin and flexible, meaning that it's almost impossible to rip through your hair like you can with thicker bristled brushes. The Wet Brush that I had previous to the black one pictured here lasted just over a year, with multiple uses a day, every single day. The bristles only started to fall out recently at the one year mark and the leopard pattern started to wear in frequently touched spots.

My ONLY critique of this brush is that it is a little bit uncomfortable to hold. As a person who was used to round brush handles it took a little bit to get used to, but the adjustment is well worth the results. I have seen some styles online that have padded rubberized handles, but Iv'e never been able to find one in stores. I purchased this black brush at Great Clips for $14.00 CAD including taxes, but they are also available from the companies website for $9.99 USD each, (before taxes and shipping), and they can also be purchased on Amazon!

VERDICT: Buy this brush and save your hair!

Jess Moffitt 

I am a 20 something Canadian Public Relations and Communications student who has a passion for the creative and pretty things in life! Join me as I share my ideas and tips as a budding crafter and career woman in Studio Blue! 

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